Reasons Why Women Suffer More Depression than Men


Depression is often counted out of the ‘poor health’ category, but major depression, in medical science, is a chronic illness with high prevalence levels. Depressive disorders are one of the leading causes of years lived with disability, and depression-related deaths (suicide and stroke) are constantly increasing globally, especially in women. Most researchers say the prevalence of depression is much higher in women compared to men. The primary reason behind this imbalanced prevalence is suggested to be biological sex differences, while there may be various other reasons including numerous social, psychological, biological and economic factors.


Hormonal Differences


Estrogen and progesterone affect neuroendocrine, neurotransmitter, and circadian systems, all of which concerns with mood disorders. Further, mood disorders have been said to have a proportional relationship with the female sex hormones, which tend to be affected by menstrual cycle in women. This also means that hormonal fluctuations during childbirth also associate with similar mood disorders. Given that the hormonal risk factors come in play in the reproductive years, peak onset of depressive disorders in women is therefore seen between ages of 25 and 44.


Social Lumber


Girls of younger ages are often professed to be more sensitive and nurturing to the judgments, beliefs and opinions of others, while boys are pushed towards developing a greater sense of independence in their lives. Besides, even as they grow up, women and men are supposed in a definite idealistic figure, where women are expected to have certain conduct in the society and adhere to certain rules. This type of socialization leads to greater depression in women who must frequently look outside themselves for substantiation.


Cultural Influences


Considering the still in place gender norms in India, it is theorized that women, with a fear of turning to a cultural misfit, tend to receive unpleasant life events related to children, reproduction or housing more dramatically than men, considering them an important part of defining their identity. Therefore, housewives and mothers find their parts diminished, while working women face discriminatory inequality at their jobs, leading to conflicts between their multiple roles and societal identity, resulting in stress and depression.


Varied coping abilities


Evidences suggest that women experience more life events with greater sensitivity throughout their lifetimes. Adolescent girls tend to suffer from life events relating to relationships (with parents, peers and friends) and take greater levels of distress than boys. Other factors relating to marital problems, family responsibilities, on-job discrimination, losing a loved one etc. can be psychological disturbances leading to depression in women.

How a Home Nurse Can Help a Person Recover From an Illness?

The demand for home nurses has increased significantly in India. A home nurse not just provides medical care to an ill or injured individual but also provides support and companionship. This can go a long way when it comes to helping a person recover from a major illness.


A nurse is a health care professional who provides medical care to people who are ill or disabled. They are responsible for the treatment and recovery of patients. They are an important part of the healthcare team and mostly work with physicians and therapists. They may also work independently as nursing professionals.

Over the past few years, the demand for home nursing professionals has grown significantly. In home nursing, a nurse provides medical and personal care to an ill person at home. It is a more personal form of care. Most people feel better and more comfortable in their homes than in hospital rooms. Most people want to be taken care of in their own homes as it helps them recover in a warm and safe environment. With home nursing, it is possible to provide the best medical and personal care to an ill or injured person.


The Role of a Home Nurse


Medical Care


The first and the most important duty of a home nurse is to provide the best medical care to the patient. Right from monitoring the vital signs (pulse rate, respiration rate, body temperature etc.) of the body to looking for any changes in the patient’s condition, nurses perform many important functions. They draft a care plan after assessing the medical condition of the patient. They ensure that the medications are taken on time and in the right doses. Although, home nurses cannot prescribe medicines, they can administer medicines to the patients. All these services can prove to be very useful when it comes to helping a patient recover from an illness or injury.


Support and Companionship



Providing support and companionship to ill individuals is one of the most important duties of home nurses. This is particularly useful for elderly and disabled people who need companionship. Nursing at home makes it easier for elderly people to enjoy their Independence without giving up supervised care. The emotional support provided by a home nurse can prove to be very useful when it comes to helping a patient keep depression at bay. Home nurses ensure that the patients don’t feel socially isolated. Regular, meaningful conversations can greatly improve the emotional well-being of an individual.


Support to Family Members


A major illness not just affects the life of the patient but also his family members. Many patients require round-the-clock care. As a result, the family members have no choice but to take a break from their careers. Such a situation can be avoided by availing home nursing services. Home nurses make life easier for the family members of an ill individual. A nurse ensures that the family members don’t face any inconvenience. The services provided by a qualified home nurse can prove to be very useful when it comes to helping family members carry on with their lives.

As the demand for home nursing continues to rise, many home nursing services have emerged in India. These home care service providers work with qualified and experienced nurses. The patients can easily avail the services offered by these nurses.


How Yoga can improve your Health and Wellbeing?

Practicing yoga regularly can greatly enhance the overall health and wellbeing of an individual. Right from stronger immunity to mental relaxation, there are several health benefits of yoga. With the emergence of home health care service providers, it has become possible for people to learn yoga in the comfort of their homes.


Yoga is an ancient form of exercise that originated in India around 5000 years ago. Today, it is practiced by countless people across the world. Yoga is basically a set of physical, mental and spiritual practices that can greatly enhance the overall health and wellbeing of an individual. From improving flexibility to cultivating mindfulness, yoga offers numerous health benefits to people belonging to all age groups.


Let’s take a look at some of the main health benefits of yoga-


1.Improved Immunity


Practicing yoga is a natural way to strengthen the immune system of the body. It improves body’s functions and ensures proper blood circulation. It also increases the oxygen level in the blood and boosts nervous system. These factors increase the body’s ability to fight infections and diseases.


2.Physical Strength


Yoga makes the body strong and flexible. It increases muscle strength and tone. Yoga poses help in creating functional strength that assists people in daily activities. Yoga also increases the body’s ability to endure pain.


3.Overcome Illnesses


Yoga practice can help people overcome many serious illnesses and diseases. Yoga involves gentle movement of the body. It can prove to be very beneficial for those suffering from arthritis. It also helps people deal with multiple sclerosis. Breathing exercises in yoga can ease the symptoms of asthma. Yoga also helps in improving the heart health and reducing the risk of heart disease.


4.Mental Benefits


Yoga is more than just physical exercise. It also includes meditation and breathing exercises that create mental clarity and improve concentration. These exercises can go a long way when it comes to relaxing the mind and enhancing the mental wellbeing of an individual.


Weight loss, increased energy, better posture, relief from neck and back pain, improved sleep and relief from migraines are some of the major health benefits of yoga. Yoga is suitable for people of all age-groups and fitness levels.


In today’s fast paced world, most people are living a busy life. Although, people realize the benefits yoga, they often find it difficult to take out time to practice yoga regularly. Many people enrol for yoga courses in Delhi only when they want to overcome body pains and age-related illnesses.


If you want to learn yoga but can’t go to a yoga center due to paucity of time, physical illness or any other reason, you should consider availing the services of a home health care service provider. These service providers make it easier for you to practice yoga at home.




A home health care service provider will send a trained yoga instructor at home who’ll teach yoga poses in a comfortable and familiar environment. A yoga teacher in Delhi will demonstrate yoga poses and also encourage you to perform every pose properly and effectively. Learning yoga at home will not just help you save time but will also make it easier for you to do yoga within your daily routine.

How Physiotherapy can help you Overcome Neck Pain?

Neck pain is a common medical condition that affects a large number of people across the world. Apart from causing severe discomfort, it can cause headache and lightheartedness. It also makes swallowing; a difficult task and restricts free movement of your head. In most cases, neck pain is not a serious health problem and can be relieved with relative ease. However, at times, it can be a symptom of a more serious health issue. If the pain does not subside even after seven days, it is in best interest to seek medical assistance as soon as possible.


Common Causes of Neck Pain


Here are the four most common causes of neck pain-


1.Muscle Tension


The most common cause of neck pain is muscle tension and strain. Maintaining a poor posture while reading or watching TV, working at a desk for long durations without sufficient movement and sleeping in a bad position are some of the other common factors that lead to muscle tension.


2.Neck Injuries


Neck injuries are also a common cause of intense pain. In high intensity sports like Football, a sudden jerk of the head can result in a neck injury. In accidents, the neck bones suffer fracture all too easily due to sudden impact. Such an injury can also cause persistent pain in the neck area.




Neck pain can also be caused by Meningitis. It is a condition in which, the thin tissue surrounding the brain and spinal cord becomes inflamed. It’s a serious health condition that requires immediate medical attention.


4.Heart Attack


In some cases, neck pain can be a symptom of heart attack. If neck pain is accompanied by sweating vomiting and jaw pain, it shouldn’t be taken lightly.


The Role of Physiotherapy in Neck Pain Treatment


Regular pain can have a very negative impact on your overall quality of life. If pain persists for more than a few days, your doctor may recommend physical therapy for neck pain. In physiotherapy, different physical exercises are prescribed to an individual suffering from neck pain. These exercises mostly involve stretching aimed to relieve you of muscular stiffness. It further strengthens neck muscles thus paving your way towards recovery.


Along with the stretching exercise, a physiotherapist may also provide deep tissue massages, traction and ‘cold or heat’ application to reduce neck pain. Physiotherapy exercise for neck pain can be very effective when it comes to helping a person overcome pain. Therapies like these aid in strengthening the muscles that support your neck. These exercises will not just ease pain but also prevent the chances of a recurrence.


One of the most convenient ways to provide physiotherapy treatment to a person is to avail the services of a ‘home healthcare service provider’. You can contact a ‘home medical care service company’ and schedule a home visit with a physiotherapist. A qualified physiotherapist will then visit you and provide physiotherapy sessions for neck pain.